Outline of courses are available from Family Learning in Action click on the link to get a programme plan and one session outline in detail. Other courses have been developed since publication and are included below:
- Family Learning Resource Pack
- Creativity and Imagination
- Family Learning and Play
- Helping Children through Primary School: Learning Skills
- Helping Children through School: Home Study Skills
- Family Learning and English for Speakers of Other Languages ESOL
- Family Learning and Art
- Family Cookery
- Family Stories in a Box
- Fun 4 Health – Dads and Children
- Fun things to do with your child
- Supporting school learning at home
- Games, gadgets and machines test
- Grandparents and family learning
- Growing together – gardening
- Living in my community
- Moneywise ideas for the family
- Storybags
- Supporting your primary school child
- Making music together – Parents and children
- Preparing for second level
- Settling into second level
- Write a story for your child
- Seasonal crafts
- My Baby and Me
- Families Reading Every Day (FRED)
- Looking after the Family, Looking after Me
- Green Families
- Digital Stories
Valuing Parents Linking Policy and Practice
March 28th and 29th 2019
Capturing the Evidence in Family Learning
Family Learning Forum held in Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland 28th May 2014
National Family Literacy Links
Enabling Intergenerational Learning: Background Report of Family Literacy Practices in Irish Education and Training Boards.
Family Literacy Research SOLAS/ETBI/NALA 2020
Family Literacy Practice in ETBs
Guidelines, Case studies and Recommendations SOLAS/ETBI/NALA 2020
Digital Family Literacy Research Project – Trinity College Dublin 2020
- What are the individual and family literacy practices of families where a parent has literacy learning needs, in particular focusing on the uses of and access to technology?
- What technologies to support literacy are effective in developing constrained early literacy skills (e.g. letter knowledge, phonics)?
- Can these technologies, employed in a family literacy programme, support family literacy practices and develop the literacy skills of both parents and children?
Marking Progress National Adult Literacy Agency 2021
Throughout the course of the FET Strategy 2014-2019, the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) was commissioned by SOLAS to complete a number of significant reports. These studies have produced evidence-based guidelines on inclusion across the contexts of Family Literacy, Numeracy and the inclusion of people with Intellectual Disabilities in the Adult Literacy Service.
Family Learning Tutor Training
Family learning staff develop training modules to suit local needs, specifically for a topic e.g. My Baby and Me or a refresher course for those who may have attended training some years ago.
Topics covered can include:
- Theory and research
- Programme themes
- Increasing parental understanding of how school works at primary and second level
- Providing fun learning opportunities based around home and family to encourage positive attitudes and further participation in learning
- Explaining curriculum content and helping parents identify how they can help with homework and study skills
- Promoting greater engagement with books and stories at all ages
- Working in partnership and recruitment
- Evaluation and progression.
We have lots of resources to share and the training will facilitate sharing of ideas.
Family Learning Promotion
Family Learning Brochure showcasing the range of courses available depending on tutor availability and funding. LCETB Family Learning Brochure
Family Learning Evaluation
Family learning evidence is built up by collating evaluation reports.
Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board have a generic evaluation sheet. Evaluation Form
See some Evaluation reports below:
“The world needs your stories”: Creating digital stories in an Irish family literacy program in a PowerPoint Presentation
Scoilnet is the Department of Education and Skills (DES) official portal for Irish Education.
It has over 20,000 resources available online including websites, quizzes, lesson plans, notes, video/audio and games that can be used in the classroom or at home.
It was developed as a support for teachers at both primary and secondary level and can be used as supports for learning at home.
Click the link below to explore all the resources available.
Parent Plus
Empowering Professionals to Support Families – ParentsPlus | Evidence-based Parenting and Mental Health Programmes
Parents Plus charity build the capacity of services to improve outcomes for families by training and supervising professionals to deliver and evaluate our evidence-based parenting and mental health programmes.
Parents in 1994 attending literacy classes requested help with their children’s homework. The first family learning classes started as a pilot project. The work was developed by Clare Adult Basic Education Service.
Clare Family Learning Resource Pack was published in 2000, to support parents helping their children’s emerging literacy and numeracy skills. As courses were piloted, research carried out, more resources were developed in response to local and national needs.
Clare Family Learning is now part of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. It is known nationally and internationally for developing courses, tutor training and support.
Updates on Family Learning work
March 5th and 6th, 2020 Hosted 25 teachers and Principals from Finland to learn about Family Learning and working with migrants. The visit involved seeing Family Learning classes in action in some schools and Family Learning tutor training.
Understanding Family Learning, Finland
7th October, 2020. Virtual presentation delivered to conference in Finland.
UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning, Hamburg
26th October 2020 Presented at live webinar on international Family and Intergenerational Literacy and Learning tutor training, 90 participants involved.
Family Literacy, Ministry of Education, Brazil
4th December, 2020. Teams meeting to share information on Family Learning with staff from Ministry of Education, Brazil.