Tutor Courses






General aims of these sessions:

For parents to have an opportunity to explore the 8 key messages/themes.


1.  Welcome and Introductions/Reading with baby

  • Welcoming warmer activity
  • Brief overview of the course for parents –Tea/coffee and scones break —
  • Registration/Permission forms

Baby Library Activity: Parents select book from library for home saying why they chose that particular book?

Home Activities:

  1. Parents watch ‘Watch  ‘Read, Speak, Sing: Your baby and early literacy
  2. Parents look at video ‘Still face experiment’ and use to open discussion next class about importance of face-to-face time for baby


2.  Smile!

  • Group feedback from videos and reading to baby
  • Tutor introduces the idea of ‘Mirroring’ as learning (use factsheet)
    Activity: Tutor takes photos of mother and baby smiling/face-to-face together for memento book-Tea/coffee break –
  • Parents and tutor set up WhatsApp group to share photos

Baby Library: Parents choose a book for baby and tutor models reading with baby

Home Activities: Notice your baby/child response to smiles from you  and other family members


3. Hold me: The importance of touch

  • Group feedback from last week
  • Exploring touch together
    Activity: Touch awareness play with baby to stimulate baby’s senses, followed by discussion on importance of connecting to baby though holding and touch/learning about boundaries. Using basic hand massage in pairs, parents share their own responses to touch. Follow-up with practicing this with their babies (Factsheet: Touch and learning about boundaries)

Baby library: Parents choose a book to share with their babies at home (tutor informally models sharing books with baby)

At home with Baby: Make time to notice your babies responses to touch and gentle massage and share with group next week.


4. Look with me: Exploring the world together

  • Group Feedback from last session
  • Exploring objects and textures together
    Activity 1: A tutor guided mindfulness-style exploration of selection of objects with parent and baby, followed by discussion around how babies learn through exploring their environment in relationship.
    Activity 2: Parents select from several textured objects for inclusion in their memento book

Baby Library: Parents choose a ‘touch and Feel’ book for their baby to share at home

Home Activities: Parents watch You Tube clip in preparation for next week: Baby talk from first sounds to first words.


5. Talk and listen to me

  • Group feedback and tutor input (using Factsheet) around language development in babies and young children: importance of parent talk, including baby in conversations, awareness of rich word environment

Activity: Experiment: Practice the 3 Ts: Tune in, Talk, Take turns

At home with Baby: Use phone to record/video parent/baby ‘conversation’ or baby-talk remembering the 3 Ts

Baby library: Parents choose a book to share with their babies at home (tutor informally models sharing books with baby)


6. Sing with me

  • Feedback and Reflection: Parents share their baby recordings.
    What music does for the brain: Rhythm and right/left brain development (use factsheet/quiz)

Activity: Parents make shakers to accompany song in memento-book

Baby library: Parents choose a rhyming book to share with their babies at home

At Home: Make time for rhymes and song together. Does your baby have a favourite rhyme or song?


7. Play with me

  • Group feedback.
  • Activity:  Sensory and embodied play with baby. Tutor pre-prepares a trail indoors (natural materials/different textures/varied terrain etc.) or if possible outdoors. Follow this with discussion about developmentally appropriate play and play materials (toys) using factsheet: (What Play does for children)
  • Tea/coffee and scone break

Baby library: Parents choose a book to share with their babies at home


8. Move with me

  • Feedback from last session
  • Discussion on how fine motor and gross motor skills have to be practiced for healthy development and learning (brain development fact sheet here)
    Activity 1: Parents make print of their baby’s hand or foot for personalised book
    Activity 2 : Parents do ‘baby yoga song’ movements in book

Baby library: Parents choose their last book. Parents fill out Feedback Forms. Follow this up with closing circle.