Tutor Courses
General aims of these sessions:
- Encourage family to be ‘green’ at home
- Examine easy ways of being ‘green’
- Inspire parent and child on ‘green’ issues
- Promote literacy and numeracy through ‘green’ topics
- Improve communication as a family, and between home and school
- Parents learn in a relaxed and friendly environment
Course objectives:
To encourage parents and children to:
- Share the learning from Green schools work with families
- Grow your own food, how long does it take to grow a salad?
- Promote wildlife in your garden. Build a bug hotel, grow flowers and herbs.
- Estimate food waste, and creative ideas on how to reduce or recycle
- Examine how energy is made, used and how usage might be reduced
- Identify how families use water and how it might be reduced or recycled
- Measure the numbers of birds and bird types in the garden/ outside your home
- Identify the insects that live around your home area