Tutor Courses






General aims of these sessions:

To encourage parents to engage with their children’s emerging literacy and to develop the habit of reading regularly with their children.


Week 1 – Topics and Activities

  • Introduction and brief overview for parents
    Why reading with your child so important?
  • Enjoying a good story! Tutor invites parents to get comfortable and listen to a story together!
  • Choosing a book for your child: What makes a ‘good book’ for children?
  • Parents choose a book for their child which they take home. They can also take and use a reading-log if this would be motivating for them

Week 2 – Topics and Activities

  • Parents share their experiences: Feedback from parents on their chosen books
  • Tips and demonstration on how to read with your child
  • Talking about books and developing ‘book talk’ with children
  • Parents choose and take home another book and use some of the ‘book talk’ ideas with their child

Week 3 – Topics and Activities

  • Children could join parents for some of this session and get involved choosing their own book.
  • Parents and children could give feedback from previous book
  • Hands-on-Activity: Making a book together. Parents and children read together and listen to their stories.
  • Parents get a copy of websites they can look at before the next session

Week 4 – Topics and Activities

  • Parents choose final book
  • How best to help reluctant and struggling readers
    Tips Handout (from dyslexia action website http://www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk/)
  • Practical ideas to encourage family reading habits:
    • Online resources: Interesting websites and You Tube clips
    • Creating a positive reading environment at home
    • Joining your local library
  • Parents look at library website and do short related activity (possible library visit)
  • Parent’s Exit Questionnaire and Evaluation