Tutor Courses






General aims of these sessions:

Explore and value existing knowledge of cookery Experiment with new recipes Learn about cooking habits and recipes in other cultures Learn to read recipes and measure out ingredients Look at nutrition, costs and vocabulary around food. Be more aware of learning opportunities to support children’s learning at home

Topic Content
1. Food pyramid Wholemeal scones Healthy quiz about eating habits. Examining food pyramid. Kitchen rules – food hygiene. Making scones. White versus brown flour.
2. Learning about fibre Spaghetti Bolognese Discussing benefits of fibre. Fibre quiz. Drinking water to stay healthy verses fizzy drinks. Making spaghetti Bolognese
3. Fruit and vegetables Fruit Salad Benefits of eating fruit and vegetables. What is a serving? How many servings a day? Easy ways to add to the diet. Shopping tips. Making fruit salad.
4. Focus on calcium Strawberry Yoghurt Shake Benefits of drinking milk and eating milk products. Discussing full fat, low fat, skimmed terms. Ways to include more dairy products into diet. Making a strawberry yoghurt shake.
5. Protein providers Chicken Stir Fry Understanding what is protein, how can we get it and what does it do for the body. Comparing cost/nutritional value of mince, steak, nuts, eggs and beans. Making chicken stir fry.
6. The top shelf Apple cake Foods at the top of the food pyramid. Discussing the health effects of a diet high in fat or sugar. Saturated vs. unsaturated fats. How to help children with a sweet tooth avoid too much sugar. Baking apple cake.
7. Healthy lunchboxes Ham salad wrap, tomato salsa Economics and health benefits of homemade vs. bought lunches. Making Wraps and Salads.
8. Cheap nutritious eats Noodle dish Pea, ham and potato pie Examining various shopping receipts. How to eat on a budget. Making a noodle dish and a pea, ham and potato omelette.
9. Party cooking Quick pizza, dips and snacks Ideas on healthy alternatives for parties. Making quick pizza, dips and snacks.




Topic 4: Fruit and vegetables


Recipe on whiteboard
Ingredients for session
Equipment for session
Numeracy links
Recipe and tips on handouts
Paper and pens

Task Suggested Activities
Why are fruit and vegetables needed in the body? Ask parents to list fruits and vegetables eaten yesterday. Discuss the health benefits, e.g. the vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables. How many ate 5-a-day? Are children eating a good selection? Share ideas for increasing intake.
Recommended daily servings Working in pairs, ask parents to estimate what is a serving of fruit. Make a list on a flipchart/whiteboard. Compare their ideas with recommended portions.
Read through recipe and tips Talk through the fruit salad recipe and tips. Explain any new words. Discuss what other fruits could be added or removed. What are the most popular fruits?
Make fruit salad Demonstrate and prepare fruit salad.
Taste and review Discuss how the fruit salad tastes. What could you add to it as a dessert? Ask parents to give their rating for the recipe, e.g., one, two or three stars.
Shopping tips Using a selection of different fruits, demonstrate how to recognise when the fruit is ripe and in good condition. Discuss best practices for storing fruit and vegetables.
Costings Ask parents to estimate the cost of this recipe, then check the real cost. Cost the list of a weekly recommended selection of fruit. Compare where to get the best value locally.


Literacy Links:

Following a recipe,
Descriptive language around food
Key words on food and health
Reading a chart
Expressing opinions
Following instructions

Numeracy Links:

Estimating portions
Estimating quantity
Dividing fruit
Using measurement
Estimating and comparing costs